About the comics

New logo! by Mattia Bulgarelli

logo design by Mattia Bulgarelli

Yeah, it’s insane. “A six-page story or two,” I thought. “Just a one-off for fun, to make a point,” I thought. I like the language of comics and have lots of experience working with artists from my game publishing. “I could do that,” I thought.

Yeah, I could. Once I investigated what I thought was a mild enjoyment of supervillains in comics, it turned out to be a ferment of ideas. A cauldron of subversive ambitions. A lab explosion of surprising wrath.

It’s called “supervillainy gone right.” Robbers, terrorists, cultists, and more – this is what they look like when you bother to look. No hearts of gold and no couldn’t-help-it among’em – but no dedicated idiocy or “in it for the evil” either.

So a year later, I’m looking at multiple scripts for three (3) distinct series, each with its own art team. Each one featuring one or more supervillain protagonists, with stories practically writing themselves after the last one. Each story’s just the quickest possible wham-bam in ten pages, no padding at all, showcasing exactly what needs to be told at that very moment.

One Plus One features Topaz and the Bandit, headquartered just outside of Houston, who have decided that robbing banksters is way better than robbing banks. (Art by Manuela Soriani & Mattia Bulgarelli, colors by Gabriele Zibordi)

Sword of God is what they call Raphael Hallak, in Chicago, who has discovered that the best way to fight terrorism is to wage war on the War on Terror. (Art by Michela Da Sacco, colors by Yann Perrelet)

Ophite chronicles the Gnostic serpent cult in Monterey, California: its charismatic leader, the women who love him and run the joint, and what it means to live free, really free, of prison. (Art by Gennifer Bone, colors by Adam Black)

They’re posted here at the blog, but the interface makes for clunky sequential reading. For the customary webcomixy experience, you can see them at either Tapastic or Webtoons. I am mighty happy to see your likes and comments at those places, and lots of shares at other places.

One Plus One page 03 - BW - Tapastic - letteringone-plus-one-page-03-color-tapastic-letteringIf you really really like them, or if you pity me, please click on the big orange Patreon pledge at the top right. Patrons get to see the comics in glorious color, too, which is, as you can see, quite excellent.

The plan is to offer the black-and-whites in hi-res (better than the web verions) as free galleries, and the similarly hi-res color PDFs for sale. Patrons get those free.


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