Blog Archives

Mind in the gutter

Comics for the Curious 3.pagesSorry, not a smut post this time. Read the rest of this entry

Inking is sexy

India ink. How do I love thee, let me count the ways. Better, let me roll about and smear you freely. Swoop you with a brush, boldly line you where no [whoever] has gone before, feather you gently, let you spatter me all over, and spatter you back with white-out or just cake it on solid.

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Fill in the blank

blank6I get to claim coolness for a brief period in my life. It’d be about 1994 through 1999, the latter-day Ph.D. and young prof years, Read the rest of this entry

Medium and idiom: they fight crime!

superduoBack to role-playing game talk again, this time hitting a second-order topic based on the foundation laid by some older posts. Bluntly, what on earth is this activity doing? What if anything do the texts have to do with this answer?

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Real Comics History

Todd's Blog

Todd Klein on lettering, literature and more