Blog Archives

More women part 2

Here’s the sequel post to More women, completing my current venture into the sticky fluids of Cerebus, Dave Sim, women, and story thoughts. Let the flailing commence!

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More women

I take no part in ostentatiously excluding Dave Sim and Cerebus the Aardvark from modern comics discussion, and I dislike the stink of piety that rises from it. “Are you now or have you ever been” regarding liking or valuing Sim’s work was instituted about twenty years ago and unfortunately seems to have stuck around. Read the rest of this entry

God’s privy parts

You probably noticed that I had a little trouble staying out of the gender issue when summarizing the high-Church conflicts across the 300 issues of Cerebus the Aardvark Read the rest of this entry

God, an aardvark, and the man in between

This is the final page of issue 98. The text at the bottom indicates the title of the following issue - it reads,

This is the final page of issue 98. The text at the bottom indicates the title of the following issue – it reads, “Next: More theology”

Speak not the name! Wait for it … Dave Sim. OooOOoohh!

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The raw and real deal

This is more 1990s comics talk, specifically during the mix of wild-rad and utter grind that was my Ph.D. process. It was a lot more fun than the Master’s. Read the rest of this entry

But they’ll be valuable

mvp34I guess I had about 30 of these. You probably never heard of them. Read the rest of this entry

Spawn of Zap

nexuszapSeptember is Cosmic Zap month here at Doctor Xaos Comics Madness. I don’t think it’s hard to understand why it’s generally considered a 70s thing. What happened to it? Did anything happen to it? Was it just a 70s thing?

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sleepmanThis is the third of my series of posts regarding the original 6-issue series Marshal Law. The two previous two were Looking for a hero and Back from the Zone. This one’s a little shy on visual content, because it’d be gross. I want to talk about rape in 1986-1988 comics, which means a shocking lot of it.

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That duck, ’nuff said

howard4Where to start? It’s not too surprising that Marvel featured an in-fiction parody character, right? There have been quite a few of them, and in an era of constantly-launched and constantly-canceled comics titles, of complete editorial chaos, of plummeting sales in the obsolete newsstand venue, and badly-stumbling attempts to get superheroes into other media, Howard was a solid hit. Read the rest of this entry

Fwafe fonflif!

cerebus81I saw Cerebus the Aardvark #1 on the stands in my comics shop in Monterey; I was twelve. Read the rest of this entry

The way underground

My kind of Old School dungeon crawl, ya punks.

My kind of Old School dungeon crawl, ya punks.

Hey, I kept this post mostly SFW but most of the links in it go to a great big NOT SFW, so go ahead and click on those and lose your job, if you want.

There were a lot of other comics around during my childhood besides the ones I bought at the newsstand, spelled a wee bit differently. Read the rest of this entry


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Todd's Blog

Todd Klein on lettering, literature and more