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Kill, kill, kill

Art by John Hotchkiss

I jumped back into role-playing with gusto in late 1985, armed with Champions 3rd edition and a handful of enthusiastic friends. Before too long I was meeting lots of others playing the game, in person and through The Clobberin’ Times, and I got a good look at how plenty of people expected to play their heroes. How was it? Easy. In a word, they were killing all over the place.

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Bootin’ the pooch

He might have a point.

“Hey Professor, Professor?” “Yes, you in the back.” “Doesn’t he sort of have a point?”

BONUS POST: Thanks to Markku Tuovinen and his March pledge at the Doctor Xaos Patreon!

Let’s say that you’re a comics creator or line editor, and probably due to simple absence or neglect of infrastructure, something gets written in that comic for real. Specifically, your villain character has a point. His or her grievance is valid. His or her rebellion is justified. His or her determination is admirable.

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Real Comics History

Todd's Blog

Todd Klein on lettering, literature and more