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Family values


That’s the Sleepman’s voice-over, their son’s

Fourth and last in my series of posts about Marshal Law, specifically the 6-issue original series titled “Fear and Loathing.” The previous posts were Looking for a hero, Back from the Zone, and Unpleasantries. This one is about the villains.

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sleepmanThis is the third of my series of posts regarding the original 6-issue series Marshal Law. The two previous two were Looking for a hero and Back from the Zone. This one’s a little shy on visual content, because it’d be gross. I want to talk about rape in 1986-1988 comics, which means a shocking lot of it.

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Back from the Zone

gangreen This is Marshal Law post #2, out of (as currently conceived) five. Read the rest of this entry

Kim Yale



I’d returned to reading comics in the summer of 1985. By the summer of 1986, I blush to confess, I had become an ardent letter-writer to multiple titles, a letterhack as the term went then, as well as pen-pal with several other people with the same behavioral disorder (remember: no email, no internet, no personal computers, nothin’ but paper letters and the phone, people). Read the rest of this entry

Looking for a hero

1976, presented in comics form 1987

1976, presented in comics form 1987

BONUS POST: Thanks to Larry Lade and his April pledge at the Doctor Xaos Patreon! Lockdown first: I’m restricting this conversation to the first six-issue series Marshal Law (collected as Fear and Loathing), because both further development of the line and fandom have defiled it, frag them. I bought it issue by issue in 1987-1988, delighted and stunned.

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Real Comics History

Todd's Blog

Todd Klein on lettering, literature and more