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Hitting bottom

Grrr! Fear me! Is anyone listening?

Grrr! Fear me! Is anyone listening?

In stories, there is just about nothing worse than the evil of evil failing to be evil. This post concerns the supervillain whose single contribution to comics is to provide the gauge of bad-guy quality with its lowest indicated reading. Read the rest of this entry

Bootin’ the pooch

He might have a point.

“Hey Professor, Professor?” “Yes, you in the back.” “Doesn’t he sort of have a point?”

BONUS POST: Thanks to Markku Tuovinen and his March pledge at the Doctor Xaos Patreon!

Let’s say that you’re a comics creator or line editor, and probably due to simple absence or neglect of infrastructure, something gets written in that comic for real. Specifically, your villain character has a point. His or her grievance is valid. His or her rebellion is justified. His or her determination is admirable.

Read the rest of this entry


Real Comics History

Todd's Blog

Todd Klein on lettering, literature and more